That day when I can eat Fast Food

So the internet is my best friend. When its 10 mins to lunch, I will google "PCOS diet food". And the list will go on from salads, fruits, salads, vegetables, Low GI etc on and on.... I get frustrated, day in and day out. The day I googled "PCOS and eating out", was the day I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I miss my fries. I really loved fries. I know they were bad, but I didnt know HOW bad. Anyway, when internet told me that PCOS people can eat Sweet potato fries- max twice a week, I was literally jumping for joy. That same day, I asked my colleagues if we could eat Nando's for lunch. I had the 1/4 meal chicken (flavor: Mild) though I'm not sure if I should be eating chicken with flavors, but hey, I needed to have a little bit more than rabbit food. Especially when I did not have energy to hit the balls at tennis. And yes, I had my sweet potato fries. I used to hate them...but beggars can't be choosers, right? As I began to shed the weight little by little, I am being more positive about the things I can and cannot eat. Till the next post... byebye xx
